Thursday, August 31, 2017

Growing Cress Heads 😊

Over the last few weeks Room 4 has been growing Cress from seeds. First we put some dirt and some seeds in our cup. Next we decorated our cups to look like faces. We added a little water and put them on the window sill in our classroom. Look what grew!!!

We wondered what would happen if the seeds had no light?
Some of the seeds germinated but they do not look very healthy. They are a yellow colour and shorter.

We wondered what would happen if the seeds had no water?
A few of the seeds germinated but not many. We think if we continue not to give these any water they will die. We will wait and see what happens!

Last of all we tasted the cress! We thought it tasted like peppery lettuce. Some of us thought it was delicious and some of us weren't sure!

Sunday, August 20, 2017


On Friday we had our Mathathon. The children rotated around 4 different measurement based activities, weight, time, measurement and capacity. They received a sticker on their lanyard for each completed activity. Ka rawe Room 4! We were really impressed with your maths thinking and co-operation! Here are some photos!

The children had to weigh and measure their ingredients to make Bliss Balls following the recipe. They looked delicious!




Monday, August 14, 2017

MATHS WEEK 14th August- 18th August

This week is NZ Maths Week. We have been exploring a lot of fun maths activities. Here is the link to the NZ Maths week website. There are a lot of fun and exciting maths activities for the whole family

We have had a fun day investigating lots of different maths concepts...
Writing numbers over 100 using 'number houses'

Exploring 3D shapes

Maths Quiz with Whea Ali

Making 2D and 3D shapes. We even managed to make a Dodecahedron 

Money Maths- counting in 100s, 10s, 5s,  and 2s

Maths games on the I-pads (always a favourite  😃)

We will have our 'Mathathon' this Friday!

Sunday, August 6, 2017

The NED Show 🍥🍥🍥

On Thursday afternoon the NED show visited our school. Ryan talked about how to succeed at school and in life. We learned that NED stands for.

Never give up 
Encourage others
Do you best

Ryan also showed us some amazing yoyo tricks as he told us a story about his friend Ned!